Wednesday, September 27, 2006

It giveth ... and it taketh away

Well, reality has hit me in the face the past couple of trading days My "go to" stock has changed on me. I haven't had a profitable day trading SLV for probably over a week. I noticed sometime around last Wednesday that things were a lot different with the timing of the stock quotes and their correlation to the Silver futures. A lot of the quotes for SLV are run by black boxes - unmanned automatic systems created by large institutions. I had been exploiting an inefficiency in these systems and was reaping the benefits.

Well, the party is over.

I haven't had a winning day now since last Friday, and things have pretty much sucked. I knew this was coming, but really didn't plan ahead too well. I have some ideas that I am going to start trying come October 1, but I have decided to take the rest of the month off. I have been in need of a break for a long time. So rather than try something new and risk losing any more of what I made the month of September, I am going to call it a month, chill out, and enjoy the wonderful weather we have been having the past few days. After all, that is one of the benefits of this job ... flexibility. But as one of my friends told me ... it is only a benefit if you allow yourself to take advantage of it. So that is what I am doing.

Other than that, I have been spending my time reading and watching more videos on YouTube and Google Video. Which leads me to the real reason I posted this evening.

I ran across the following video on another trader's blog site. I have to admit, I am somewhat a sucker for conspiracy theory videos, but this one is absolutely awesome. At a little over an hour and a half long, it sent disturbingly eerie goosebumps across my body for a large portion of the film. Although lengthy, please take the time and watch it. It is WELL worth it. And if you thought Fahrenheit 9/11 had some interesting arguments, it has nothing on this.


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