Thursday, August 17, 2006

Two Milestones (a "1st" and a "33rd")

It's been a little while since my last post, but that is mainly because there really hasn't been anything exciting going on in my life.

Work is still the same, although this week has been kind of crappy for me. I haven't made more than $200 any day this week, and of course that will hinder my paycheck next month. I have tried to step up and trade more shares, but have been getting burned more than I would like. I guess this is all part of the growing process. I have been trying to use some different techniques in my trading this week, but have not been able to consistently pull profits. This is kind of discouraging since it makes me feel like I am back to square one. Who knows ... maybe one of these weeks I will figure something out which is bigger and better.

So, what are my milestones? Well, I received my first paycheck this month. A whopping $500. Yippee! Let me see, that paid for the gas in my car for the past couple of months. I guess something is better than nothing, but it is a little frustrating to have still not turned that bigger corner to bigger profits. Yeah, I am bitchin' a little, but I know I have no one else to blame but myself. So, I have got to find a way to get it together. My goal is to make over $1000 in one day. The stars will have to align for me to do it the way I have been trading lately, but that is my new goal. By the way, a trader in the office made $89,000 yesterday alone! In one day! Absolutely ridiculuos. The potential is there for me ... I just need to step up.

The other milestone .... today is my birthday. I am really starting to feel older and out of touch with what is hip today. I spend my spare time listening to "classic" rock from the 80s, searching YouTube for 80s music videos, and watching VH1 Classic. I couldn't tell you a Top 40 song that is being played on the radio these days. Pretty pathetic and something that is much different than a few years ago. When I was teaching school and coaching, I knew what was hot and what wasn't. Now, my wife complains that I dress like an old-fogie and I like it. She has bought me several trendy shirts to wear to work recently, but I think I look goofy in them. Give me my old Stryper Tour T-shirt and a pair of flip-flops anyday. I guess I just know what I like. Change baaaadddd!


At 8:39 PM, Blogger coredump said...

Happy Birthday, D. I'm not too far behind you in the getting-old department. You know, I couldn't list off 5 of the Top 40 these days either, but that's mostly because I listen to my iPod 90% of the time now because the radio's crap (just like TV, except for Battlestar Galactica). And I'm listening to my girlfriend's iPod the other 10%.

At 8:15 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

STRYPER!!!!!!!!! Yeaaaahhhhhh!!!!!!!!
To Hell With The Devil!!!!!!!!

Top 40 songs? I think
"Life is a Highway" by Rascal Flatts
"Crazy" by Gnarls Barkley (which I don't like)
"Black horse and cherry tree" by K T Tungstel (which sounds more country to me). Does this mean I'm hip?

I mostly listen to 80's stuff cause the 90s all sounded the same and today has no sound. Let's hear it for streaming music channels!

BSG starts again in October...getting closer...


At 10:12 AM, Blogger El Pato said...

Ahhhh ... Battlestar Galactica. Now that was a good show in it's time. That and Buck Rogers both riding the wave of the Star Wars success. I remember anxiously waiting to watch new episodes on Sunday evenings back in 1978 .... yeah I was only 5 at the time but I remember it. The robotic dog, the cyclops-like enemies (were they called Gorgons?), and then who could forget Lorne Greene - Mr. Alpo himself. I had the action figures and the trading cards ... I was a junkie. Those were the days.

Haven't checked out the new series, but have heard many good things about it. I suppose I should try to watch an episode or two this season.

At 8:24 PM, Blogger Rob said...

hey happy b-day! u'll know u're old when you start trading in that car of yours for a town & country. then again, gangster drives town & country too... hmm, unless they were jacked from them 'o folks.


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