Saturday, July 15, 2006

Week 19 Summary

This week had the makings to be something very good, but ended in a bit of fizzle.

On Monday and Tuesday, I had great trading days. There wasn't much happening on Monday with the stocks I normally trade, but I was still able to net around $400. On Tuesday, though, I set another personal best day with just a little over $700. I really seemed to be into a groove. I was mainly trading one stock, but started to branch out into one or two others. All of them were making money for me, and life was good.

Wednesday through Friday were different stories. Each one of those days, I started the day by making huge losing trades. Each day I put myself in a hole between $250 and $300. The good news is that, by the end of the day, I was able to dig my way out of the hole, and finished positive. The bad news is that between the 3 days, I think I only netted around $300.

I don't know what it was these past three days. I guess I was looking at the stock movement wrong or something. Forget the fact that the past three days were huge down days for the market, That should not have effected my performance the way it did. In fact, it should have helped. I think I was trying to be too aggressive in the morning in order to pick up early moves, and nothing worked. I also started to trade some new ETFs ... unsuccessfully. On Friday, I lost $200 in one trade of MVV, an ETF that tracks double the S&P 400 MidCap index. This happened in about 3-5 minutes. Strange thing is, if I had just held on a little longer, the stock would have turned the corner huge, and I would have made over $1000 on that trade alone. Woulda, coulda, shoulda ... but didn't.

Anyway, I need to regroup for next week. I strayed the last few days from trading Silver. I need to get back to doing that. If it ain't broke don't fix it, right? Not for me, I try to have the best of all possible worlds. I will focus on making some of these changes for next week and stick to it.

All in all, I am still on track to break even in August, and I still love the job. Honestly, it can't be beat, and again, I just hope I can continue my recent success, perhaps build upon it, and make it a career. I honestly can't imagine returning to corporate America. Still, though, no paycheck, and the savings continue to be drained. Sigh. One of these days.

In non-work-related news, I have started to become addicted to YouTube. I spent several hours on that site several nights within the past couple weeks, and keep going back for more. I don't really watch all the crazy homemade videos, although some of them are quite good. What I go for are the old obscure 80s music videos that I haven't seen in years. It is amazing how many of these videos people have actually kept over the years and decided to rip and place on YouTube. Within the past month, it seems that there has been a particular flood of old 80s Hair Band videos added and videos ripped from the WTBS series Night Tracks. It is wonderful. Really brings me back to my youth. (Does this constitute a midlife crisis or is it just nostalgic? :-) )


At 8:01 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

It better not be a crisis...we are the same age!

Now I have to go to much for getting things done around the house.



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