Sunday, July 09, 2006

Week 18 Summary

I know I haven't done a "week" summary in a long time. In fact, I had to bring up iCal and count exactly how many weeks I have actually been at this trading thing. June was a busy month for me. Between trading and volleyball and vacations and weddings on the weekend, I really didn't have that much spare time. I kind of lost track, too, of how long I have been at this. Anyway, on to the summary.

In terms of trading, I have to say that I was truly blessed this past week. You may have already read about my new personal high on Wednesday in my last post. Well, believe it or not, I followed it up with another personal high on Thursday .. $610. Things just seemed to fall in place and I made a lot of good decisions. I was really proud of myself. Friday was no slouch of a day either for me. I ended up around $400. That means on the week, I had net profit of nearly $1700. I am really starting to feel pretty confident in the decisions I am making.

However, one thing still scares me and that is the majority of my profits are coming from 1 stock. If for some reason that stock changes the way it moves or more people start trading it, the gravy train could be over soon. Don't get me wrong, I am going to ride it out for as long as I can, but I am also spending this time trying to learn how to trade other stocks as well. At least now I have one place to go where I feel I have a reasonable chance for success. I can use that to fund my learning in other areas too.

Also, I still haven't received a paycheck, nor will I anytime soon. I still need to pay off all my variable costs, lunches, etc. I did some number crunching and figured out that if I can average $800/week net profit from here to the end of August, I will completely break even and start collecting a check. The term used by the company for this occurrence is "Super Yahtzee" (no ... not "Scrabble" ... sorry). I think this is a realistic goal for me. Hopefully, I can push myself toward this. And oh, if I happen to get to this point before the end of August, that will just be a bonus.

All in all, though, I am very pleased and very thankful I was able to stumble across this stock that I have been trading so well. My coach is pushing me to trade with more shares, up to 400 or 500 now at a time, and he has increased my trading capital to $200K. Theory is that I should become even more profitable. We will certainly see. This week might be pretty rough as I go through this growing pain, but hopefully, I will have some good news to share next week.

Thanks again, to everyone who reads and comments.


At 7:53 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

Glad your "Risk" is starting to payoff. Can't wait to see if your "Stratego" can show you the "Candyland".




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