Saturday, June 24, 2006

Always Look on the Bright Side of Life

This a rare week for me ... two posts. Maybe I can keep this a regular thing. We will see.

Well, this week ended on a positive note ... in more ways than one.

First, on Thursday, I got a call from the doctor with my results. He said that there was nothing cancerous and that my condition was perfectly normal and nothing to be concerned about. It's hard to believe what I have is "normal", but that was a huge relief and am thankful that it was nothing serious. Like I mentioned in my previous post, when you come across something like that, it just takes the wind out of your sails. But I guess that is what makes life so interesting. In fact, it's like a box of chocolates .... but I digress. Anyway, thanks to those who were thinking about me this past week.

As far as trading goes, I hope I have started to turn the corner. I finished with a pretty good day on Friday, and ended positive on the week. In fact, at our "end of week" rally after the market close on Friday, I was mentioned as the 3rd best rookie for the week! (Rookie meaning 0 - 6 months experience). I started trading with more capital and more shares and it didn't seem to hurt me too bad. Although I did give away $100 in one trade on Thursday because I started trading with more shares. My coach has said this is a tough market to trade and if I am doing well now then I should be pretty confident moving forward. Regardless, I know I still need to work on some things, and I know I need to diversify my trading too, but I will take this last week for sure.

So, after Friday, I am probably down around $3200. But it feels so good to be chipping away at the total. I hope I can continue.

In other news, Kim noticed a crack in the windshield on our Honda Pilot yesterday. We need to get that fixed, so who knows how much that will cost. We still need to take our dog to the vet for her yearly shots ... another bill. Kim and I have 3 weddings to attend in the coming weeks. More money to spend on wedding gifts. Both Kim and I have some pretty hefty doctor's bills coming as well. Not to mention all of our other "small" bills. So, although I am making progress in my job, it still feels like I am paddling up a river against a pretty strong current in life. I know things will work out in the end, but it is still draining. It seems like I just haven't been able to get ahead recently.

I am ready for June to be over. This has been such a busy month, especially on the weekends. Weddings, volleyball tournaments, vacations ... I am ready for July and August.

That about does it for this week. Be back soon.


At 7:35 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

I hear ya about the bills...I've had my share of extra bills in June (Is it over yet?) but I've been fortunate to be able to cover them.

Hang in there.


At 8:56 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

So...feel bad you left the old job? Oddly enough, Dilbert may help you remember a big part of the reason you left....



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