Monday, April 24, 2006

I'm a loser, baby ....

So, more than a week has gone by since I have posted. I am a total slacker. I am also a total loser. This is pretty much evident in every part of my life right now.

First off, Kim and I coached our volleyball team this weekend up in Dallas. We did not do well at all. This was the second straight tournament where it felt like our team just didn't show up. After the tournament in Atlanta several weeks ago, we decided to add an extra practice each week. So, we did that. But, honestly, I could tell the girls just weren't into it. The extra practices ended up being a waste of time. Sure, they got a little better, but all in all, their performance this weekend was one of underachievement. I have been struggling with staying motivated to finish out the season. It is hard, especially since I am still struggling at work with trading and would like to work in the evenings to get better. Let's just put it this way. I have been coaching top level volleyball teams for over 10 years and this will be the first year where a team I have coached will not qualify for the end-of-year national tournament. This is a huge disappointment and let down.

So, to make me feel better each day, I go trade. I would like to say that I have continued to do well, but such is not the case. Last week, I was down about $230 for the week. I did not have a single positive day. I also only traded 4 days last week since I was gone on Friday for the volleyball tournament. I was hoping things would go better today, and they did. But I was still negative on the day - $7.

So, I wish I could write that things are great ... but they aren't. Don't get me wrong ... I am still thankful everyday that I chose to change from techie to day trader, but losing takes it's toll. I was telling my wife that I go to work and compete everyday, and lose. Then I go coach volleyball on the weekend and evenings, and lose there too. I just don't know if I can "compete" for this amount of time every week. I am going to have to decide whether to coach this summer or take a break. I might just have to do the latter. Something has got to give.

I do have some trading "trigger" ideas in the pipeline at work, so I am looking forward to trying those out. I still use my 2-day high and low trading methods and those seem to work pretty good for me. I have just been making some stupid trading decisions late in the trading day recently and it blows all the profit I make in the morning. I think I just have too much going on, and need to relax a little.

Oh well, I have started to ramble. Sorry again for the delay in posting. I hope everyone is doing well and hopefully, I can post more than once a week.


At 7:59 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

Just remember that just because you may not be winning at work or at play, you are not a loser in life. Be sure you do something positive each day - even if it is something as dumb as watching a favorite TV show. You might even feel better after a good workout.

Most importantly, be thankful for what you do have: your health, the financial means to go for your dream, and your wife. Don't neglect any of your positives - especially your wife. Remember, you left a company that may have indirectly led to 3 or 4 divorces/breakups in a 12 month period. Don't be a statistic.

At 6:49 PM, Blogger El Pato said...

Hey, thanks for the pep-talk, Robert.

I do need to be a little more thankful for the opportunities that have been presented to me. I also need to take some time off from cruncing the stock charts too. All good advice, and you are right ... I don't want to be a statistic.

By the way, how are things going at work? Let me know when everyone is getting together for a happy hour again. I would love to join.

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Rob said...

happy hour doesn't exist in hell.

At 11:29 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

Ok, pep-talk over.

Now, stop your belly aching, whining, and moaning. For crying out loud, you are a grown man with responsibilities. Life is not easy or fair. Did you truly think you could walk into a new and complicated job like this and make a fortune overnight? This ain't the movies.

< deep breath >'re still buying at happy hour, right? :)


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