Wednesday, July 05, 2006

1 down ... 1 to go

So, it has been a little more than a week since I posted. During that time, I have been to Atlanta and back with volleyball and celebrated the 4th with some friends. Things have been going well with trading, but I will get to that second.

First up, volleyball. The season is finally over. Thank goodness! This was one of the most disappointing seasons I have ever coached. There was rarely a practice that went by that I didn't think I was wasting my time. The girls on the team struggled to make change, and I lacked the fortitude to force them to change. As a result, we finished the year-end tournament somewhere around 41st in the nation. The same basic team last year finished 11th. There were some players added/switched to the team from the year before and the chemistry wasn't as good this year. Hopefully, the "bad seeds" can be placed on a different team next year and the team will experience more success. However, the girls on the team were really nice.

Regardless, I am glad things are over. I still haven't decided whether I want to coach again next year. The time commitment is extensive and I just don't know if my heart is in it. I will have to make that decision in a couple of months, so until then, I am not going to think about it.

Now ... on to trading.

I have really been blessed to have some great days since the last time I posted. Last Monday, I made around $200, and I followed that up on Tuesday with a personal high of $350. Because of stupid volleyball, I missed Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday last week, but I called and talked to some trader friends about how the days went. They all said I would have made even more money than Monday and Tuesday because the stocks I have been trading trended really well the last part of the week. Great ... that is exactly something I wanted to hear. Just when I was starting to get on a roll, here comes volleyball getting in the way. Needless to say, I watched CNBC while in Atlanta, and was cursing at myself for having to coach rather than trade. I am over it now, but that feeling might definitely help me make my decision about whether or not to coach next year.

This week started off with a half day of trading on Monday. I came back and ended the day up about $125. Not bad considering I have been off for a while and the volume was very light. Tuesday was the 4th and the markets were closed, but today things were in full force. And I am proud to say, I achieved another personal best day today ... $590.

So what does this mean? This means that I finally dug myself out of the hole I dug when I first started back in March. The term the firm uses for this occasion is "Yahtzee." So, today, I yahtzeed. This is the first big step that a trader makes on his/her way to becoming profitable. In fact, once a trader "yahtzees", the odds of him/her "making it" in the long run increases from 30% to over 80%.

Where does this leave me? Well, I still have an enormous bill I have to pay back before I start receiving a check. Since March, I have been accumulating exchange fees, lunch fees, insurance premiums, etc. All of these I have to pay back before I get paid a dime. My monthly fees run somewhere in the neighborhood of $1100/month, so you can do the math and figure out how much more I need to make in order to really break even. Regardless, I feel good about where I am at right now. I am starting to see the big picture and hopefully can keep chipping away at all of my accumulated debt. Then, one of these days, I might even be lucky enough to get a paycheck .... oh to dream!

So, for right now .... one goal reached. The next one will be longer, but I am up for the challenge.


At 6:49 PM, Blogger coredump said...

That's awesome! I knew you could do it! Keep up the good work! Stick out the lows, and ride the highs, then you'll be sitting on top of the world. :-)

At 7:47 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

With the game references here...let's just hope you don't "Sorry". :)

As for the other topic...are you telling us that you are so consumed with "work" that you can't balance "life"? Watching the market while on a volleyball tournament? Giving up coaching so you can work?

Just be sure you consider lots of things before jumping into the pit.


At 7:48 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

With the game references here...let's just hope you don't "Sorry". :)

As for the other topic...are you telling us that you are so consumed with "work" that you can't balance "life"? Watching the market while on a volleyball tournament? Giving up coaching so you can work?

Just be sure you consider lots of things before jumping into the pit.


At 6:40 PM, Blogger El Pato said...

Interesting comments, Robert.

You know, honestly, I don't think about work/life balance anymore. The work I am doing everyday is something I want to do rather than something I have to do, and that has made all the difference in the world to me.

Just like anything ... if you want to be successful at something, sacrifices have to be made somewhere along the way. If you want to be a successful father, sacrifices have to be made at work. If you want to be as successful as possible at work, sacrifices have to be made in other areas of one's life.

I guess what I am saying is right now, I am willing to sacrifice volleyball to be more successful at work. I think Kim supports me on this as well which I am thankful. Who knows, next month or year, I might feel differently, but this is how I am feeling right now.

This job has really become a part of me rather than something I just go and do for 8 hours a day. It's kind of cool actually. I still haven't collected a paycheck, but it's still kind of cool.

At 6:54 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

Just offering an alternative view...

My mom left her dead end, high stress, pain in the neck job last year to work for Avis at the rental counter. Bottom line: She loves the work, low stress, the money difference isn't that great, and she actually likes working the late shift.

The biggest problem? She isn't able to keep her garden in good condition. The work/life thing has shifted more toward work...but she is happier.

go figure.



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