Sunday, July 23, 2006

Week 20 Summary

I did it!

By my calculations, on Thursday of this past week, I Super Yahtzeed. I have to admit ... I had a really good week by my standards. I ended up right around $2800 on the week which, frankly, I can't believe. Just when I think it is going to be harder and harder to perform better than the previous week, somehow, it happens. Once again, I feel very fortunate for some of the decisions and trades that I maded this week that helped put me over the top. So, with that said, considering I don't implode this week, I am working for myself. I will get a percentage of whatever I make, and then hopefully get a check sometime in early August.

The journey in this new career, however, is just starting. I have already cleared some significant hurdles, but now I have to push myself to do even better, and take more risk. Earlier in the week, my coach increased my default share size to 1000 shares. (He also increased my trading capital to $500K). This means I am allowed to trade 1000 shares on every trade I make. This could mean huge success or huge disaster. However, I chose for the rest of the week to remain trading a default of only 300 shares. The stocks I have been primarily trading are thin, which means they are not traded much. If I get in 1000 shares and the trade doesn't go my way, it will be much harder to get out of 1000 shares than it is to get out of 300. Frankly that is what has saved me from huge losses the last couple of days. I think next week I am going to try 500 shares and see how that goes.

So, there you have it. Last week, I threw my conservative "super yahtzee" target out there for the end of August. Little did I know one week later I would accomplish the task. It is pretty incredible when you think about it, and I definitely do not take it for granted. I only hope I can keep things going. I have to say, right now, I feel like I am living a dream ... I truly enjoy going to work every morning, I love the work I am doing, and I am starting to become relatively decent at it. I work for myself, so I don't have to take orders from any bosses. I like the people who I work with and the work environment. What more can I say ... I am thankful and I am blessed.

Random thought this week.
My wife and I stumbled upon the movie "Pay it Forward" Saturday morning on TBS. If you have never seen it, I suggest watching it. The message is very good. There is a part at the end of the movie where Haley Joel Osment's character gets interviewed. Check it out below, from, particularly around the 2:00 area.

I keep thinking that is exactly what I was feeling for some time at my former job. But all of sudden, I wasn't scared anymore, so I ventured out, and tried to make something happen. I know ... Pay It Forward has to do with doing nice deeds for others, but sometimes doing nice deeds for someone else involves taking care of #1.

Once again, I hope everyone is doing well, and when is the next happy hour?


At 6:20 AM, Blogger Rob said...

oh boy, congrats man!!! the next happy hour is when you get that paycheck... we can toast to that. i can setup happy hour for sometime in august.

At 7:29 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

Amazing what a little goal can do for you. I set small goals for weight loss...then surpass them. June 24 I said below 215 lbs on July 13. Actual was 212lbs. On May 6, I stated a goal to lose 15 lbs by the time school started which is Aug 14.

I have 3 weeks and 2-3 lbs to go.

I say, set a goal of 750 shares a trade by the time school starts and $3000 a week. What can you do in 3 weeks.....


At 7:43 AM, Blogger coredump said...

Isn't it fun to do something you really enjoy, and get paid for it? :-)


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