Sunday, August 06, 2006

5 Month Anniversary

Today marks my 5 month anniversary of starting my new job. It really is hard to believe I have come as far as I have in this amount of time. I feel blessed for what I have already experienced, and I feel excited about what the future holds. Hopefully, the next 5 months are as rewarding as the last 5.

Last week included the end of the month of July and the first couple of days of August. Monday was a pretty ugly day for me. I think I ended up only around $50 that day which put me net positive for the month of July. I think my coach said that for July I was up a little over $7K. I am definitely happy with that, but I know my last few days of trading in July just stunk. So, as I mentioned several posts ago, I should have all of my variable expenses paid off, and I will be getting a very small check in a couple of weeks. (Paychecks only come once a month at this job). The rest of the week turned out pretty good. I had a couple of solid positive days, and I believe that on Friday I already paid off all of my variable expenses for the month of August. For the rest of the month, I am working for myself. That is kind of a good feeling, but now it is up to me to really expand myself for the rest of the month. Assume more risk and really try to take my trading to the next level. We'll see how it goes this week.

Other than that, it has pretty much been "same ol', same ol'" for me. I still love the job and going in every morning. I guess there are only two other things I want to comment on this week.

1. I spoke to a former colleague of mine this past week. I asked him what he knew about the status of the project that I would have been working on had I still been with my former company. He hadn't heard much, he said, but after talking to him about how my current job was going, he told me to not even think about it anymore .... I made the right decision. I think I already knew that, but for some strange reason I was looking for justification. Is that a lack of self-confidence on my part?
2. I realized how much I REALLY loved my new job on Friday. I mean ... I knew I liked it, but Friday was the icing on the cake. It just doesn't get any better. I didn't make a lot of money ... only up $500 or so by the end of the day ... but everything else seemed too good to be true. By noon, the markets were slowing down, so the CEO asked one of the traders to make a beer run. By 1pm, we were drinking beer and playing a massive game of Quake. Every once in a while the markets would surge so people would get out of the game to trade, but then come right back in. Not much later, somebody on my trading row started playing the 80s hair metal station from Yahoo radio, and we all started rocking out. So ... here I was on a Friday afternoon ... drinking beer, playing Quake, and jamming out ... at work. Somebody made the comment, "Man ... I love this job." I thought to myself, "Yeah ... I really do love this job." Then, I turned off my computer, and left for the week in order to catch the 3pm showing of Talladega Nights at the Alamo Drafthouse. I know .. I know ... I still don't have a steady paycheck ... but I'm hoping that will change soon. I am keeping my fingers crossed.


At 8:31 PM, Blogger Rob said...

i got an email this morning. it was from roy paterson. he made his 5 yr and left. i see a pattern.

At 8:15 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

5 months? wow. And just think, I was at 240 lbs when you left...Now I'm a puny 210!


And I bet you aren't logging in to work from home to check on your tests over the weekend either....


At 8:43 AM, Blogger coredump said...

Hm... so all the guys I started with 5 years ago are bailing... interesting...!

Congratulations on hanging in there, D. Sounds like you have a promising career ahead of you. :-)


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