Monday, October 16, 2006

After further review ....

I wanted to write a real quick entry before I headed out this morning.

First, thanks to everyone who has posted a comment on my blog recently encouraging me. I have found it difficult in the trading business to keep things in perspective at times. Trading really puts a person's ego right there on the line. You make a decision and you know very shortly whether you are right or wrong. When you are wrong a considerable amount of time, it takes a pretty optimistic person to keep their chin up and keep fighting. It also takes a well-grounded person to always keep things in perspective, and to remember what is truly important in life such as spiritual and personal relationships.

I had a chance this weekend to take a step back and reflect on my journey so far. In particular, I looked at my thought process and what I was placing first in my life. I have to say I am ashamed. However, I am ready to move forward from here, and give this trading thing another go around for a few more months. This time I will remind myself daily of what needs to be important to me, and I will try to do a better job of keeping things in perspective. Oh and maybe picking up a second job will help keep me busy and keep my mind of trading in my down time.


At 11:53 AM, Blogger R Stephenson said...

That's the spirit! Way to go!


At 10:40 PM, Blogger Rob said...

you're a man on a journey. and journeys don't end until reach your goal or discover something important that outweighs your goal. no one can tell you when it'll happen, but you'll know. it'll hit you dead on.

journeys are life changing. and i agree, you're not at a crossroad yet. hang in there duck, u got a handful of people who care. we will accept you no matter what road you pick.

At 6:50 AM, Blogger Rob said...

hey we can shoot for happy hour this week... where and when would be like to go?


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