Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Day three ...

More learning today, but there were a few exciting events.

First off, I think I almost got let go today. Yep ... three days on the job ... and adios! Actually, it was a misunderstanding. I was talking with the instructor on Monday and told him I met a person that had worked at the trading company, but was no longer there. This person now works for a competing day trading firm in the same city. Well, somehow, this got back to the CEO that this person I met once was a personal friend of mine that referred me to the company I am working for in order to get my training. Then, once I was successfully trained, I would jump ship and go to the company he works for.

I understand the paranoia, and I can also appreciate the fact they talked to me right away rather than assuming something and not saying a thing. After all, they are footing my "education bill" so to speak and are not only making a financial investment in me, but a huge time commitment as well. Truth is, I have no ties to the guy at all. He is a friend of one of my wife's friends. I merely answered a question from my instructor: "Do you know anyone that works here at XYZ trading company?" I said: "No, but I met someone who used to." All of a sudden now, me and this guy are best buds. I think the deal is this: the competing company does not really have a training regiment for new traders. The company I am working for has taken great pride in developing new traders. The competing company lures the successful traders away from my company with cheaper commissions and higher percentages of profits. Bad blood has developed. Regardless, I am little miffed at my instructor for not asking me to clarify my relationship with that person before he brought it forward. This situation could have been avoided. But, I'm the new guy, and honestly, I respect the way they handled the situation. It seems like I haven't been getting upset as easily lately either, and that is a good thing.

Second thing. although I did not make a dime today (as I am still in training), today was the firm's most profitable day of the year. As a reward, management bought several cases of beer and bottles of liquor for everyone to enjoy after the markets closed for the day. On average, each trader netted $3K today after commissions. Of course, the newbies don't make nearly as much, but there may be hope for me after all with this profession :-).

For those of you waiting for the "rest of the story", I am going to try and blog that this weekend. I haven't forgotten, but there are some other things I am having to read through and do for work in the evenings. Oh ... and there is also American Idol ... I'm addicted.


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