Monday, March 06, 2006

The First Day

So ... I bet you all are wondering how the first day went.

All in all, pretty uneventful. Today was mainly spent learning the trading platform software and going through a bunch of logistical paperwork. Don't get me wrong I learned a lot, just nothing very interesting.

I learned that I am going to be spending at least twice as much in gas since the drive to the trading company is twice the distance as the technology company from my house.

I learned that the new target time for profitability is 9 months to 1 year as opposed to 6 to 9 months as I previously thought. Whatever the timeframe, I am just going to have to suck it up and find a way to be successful. I was told today, this job is the best job possible a person could have, if you can weather the storm of the learning curve.

The other thing they stressed today was getting a second job while you are going through the learning curve. Right now, I have savings which I was planning on using, but I am now seriously considering getting a second job in the evenings, so I don't feel like I am completely blowing through my savings. I also have tons of childhood collectibles which I am planning on auctioning off on eBay to help supplement. They aren't doing anything but taking up space and collecting dust. (BTW, has anyone checked out the software iSale for the Mac. Pretty cool stuff.) Whatever, I can do to be successful, I have to do it. So ... if anyone knows of a cool evening job ... I am all ears.

Lastly, I was asked several times today, why do you want to trade? Don't you know the failure statistics? Are you doing it to get rich? My answer is I am trying to find something that I will enjoy that allows me to control my own future. If I had one knock about the technology company and Corporate America it would be that my life, my career, was completely in the hands of another person. I could be a complete hero at work, but if my manager didn't think so, I was doomed. The reverse is also true. I could be a slacker, but if the boss liked me, I was golden. At least with this new job, there is a clear definition of success and failure on a daily basis, and I am in complete control. If I don't perfrom how I want, I have one person to look at ... ME! I have to make a change and take care of business ... and honestly, I am looking forward to the challenge.

It seems like I have been bashing my old employer so far in this blog, but that is not the case at all. I had several great managers there who really encouraged me to be a leader and make the most of myself. I will be forever thankful of their influence on me. It was extremely unfortunate that I did not spend more time with them as I am sure they would have led me to bigger and better things within the company. But things are what they are ... and like my former colleague said, "Don't look back." I will say this, though. Last week, my very last manager left me with an interesting quote she recalled from some of her management training. She said, "People JOIN companies, but they LEAVE managers." How true. I can't say I would have left had I not been "under the influence" of the manager I have spoken about in recent posts. Which reminds me, I still need to finish my story ... sigh ... maybe tomorrow.

OK ... so I have to admit ... one of the other reasons I left to pursue this new career was the possiblilty of increased income. I won't lie. But honestly, it was not my primary reason for leaving. My theory of chasing riches is the same one I have of finding a girlfriend or wife: the harder you look for it/one, the less likely you are to actually find one/it. So, here I am, about ready to have to work hard, have some fun, learn a lot about myself and my life, and I can't wait to go back tomorrow. Yippee!


At 7:06 AM, Blogger Rob said...

since u live around the corner from me... a coffee cafe next to my home is almost final on construction. they have a 'now hiring' sign in the front window. it's called coffee plant. maybe u can pick up a night shift there...


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