Wednesday, March 01, 2006

The Call Back

I left off my story having just told the trading company that I was basically second guessing myself and needed to shadow someone to see if this was really for me.

A couple of days went by before I received a call.
"Hello David, this is ???? with ????. I just wanted to see if November 23rd would work for you to come in and talk with one of our traders."
"Sure. Thank you so much for calling back. Let me check my calendar .... yep the morning of the 23rd would work great for me."
"Sounds great. We will see you then."

I was so relieved they had called me back. Especially since there were rumors flying at work about the department I was currently in being dissolved and everyone being scattered to other departments around the company. Actually, between the time I received the call above and November 23rd, an announcement was made that confirmed the rumors and my worst nightmare came true. Me and one other person from my department were being transferred away from the rest of our team onto a project that couldn't have been less interesting. It fact, it down right sucked. And, basically, I had one person to thank for the move: you guessed it, the (bad) manager.

He had the nerve to tell me that since I was one of the most skilled and adaptable people in the former departement that he felt I would do well in this new position. Hello??? One, thanks for talking to me about this in advance. Two, thanks for listening to me all the way back in September when I told you what I was interested in doing. Three, don't patronize me with the complements when I know they aren't entirely true and you don't really mean them. Four, kiss my ass!

Needless to say, I was going into this "shadowing" experience at the trading company with a whole different attitude. I was going to be honest with myself, but I was also anxious to make this a positive experience as well. I just wanted a good excuse to leave my old job, and thankful for me, I found it!

... next up ... a day at the trading company


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